




正如利记sbo的 防止吸毒和酗酒政策, 利记sbo禁止非法持有, 使用, 分布, or 调剂 of drugs and alcohol by 利记sbo 学生 and employees on the 利记sbo campus or as part of 利记sbo-sponsored activities.

除了, 利记sbo requires employees who are covered under an applicable federal grant or contract, 包括student-employees, 签署一份 无毒品工作场所协议 作为继续受雇的条件. Any employee covered under an applicable federal grant or contract who is convicted of, 或者认罪, any Criminal Drug Statute that relates to activities within the workplace must notify the Director of 人力资源 of such conviction or plea no later than five days after the conviction or plea.


This 政策 applies to all 利记sbo employees, 包括student-employees. 除了, agents and consultants hired by the University to do work on an applicable federal grant or contract may be required to provide evidence that they are in compliance with the requirements of federal law.


This 政策 is designed to ensure compliance with the 无毒的工作场所 Act of 1988.


控制物质: Any substance identified in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812),并在21℃的法规中作进一步定义.F.R. 1308.11至1308年.15(见 www.usdoj.gov / dea /酒吧/ csa / 812.htm).

信念: A finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, 或两个, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of federal, 状态, 或者当地的刑事法规, 包括纽约州车辆和交通法.

毒品刑事法规: 与制造有关的联邦或非联邦刑事法规, 分布, 调剂, 使用, 或持有任何受管制物品.

员工援助计划(EAP): A program that delivers a variety of services that help employees resolve personal problems that may adversely impact their work performance, 行为, 健康, 和幸福.

不合法的: 任何行为, 经过法律制度的适当裁决, 通过利记sbo的司法系统, 或通过大学的员工纪律制度, 根据刑事毒品法规是否会导致定罪或认罪, 其他联邦, 状态, 或者当地有关毒品和酒精的法律, or that would hold a student or employee responsible for violating 利记sbo’s policies on drugs and alcohol consistent with federal, 状态, 以及当地法律.


1. If 利记sbo is awarded a federal grant that requires the University to certify compliance with the 无毒的工作场所 Act of 1988, 大学的资助官员将通知监督拨款的员工. If 利记sbo enters into a federal contract that requires the University to certify compliance with the 无毒的工作场所 Act of 1988,大学的 Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer will notify the employee overseeing the contract.

2. The employee overseeing the federal grant or contract will provide all employees providing services under the grant or contract, 包括student-employees, 带着一份大学的 关于预防药物和酒精滥用政策的年度通知 and will additionally require such employees 签署一份 无毒品工作场所协议. 所有签署的协议应送交人力资源办公室. Copies of agreements relating to grants should also be sent to 大学教育资助主任.

3. Any employee covered under an applicable federal grant or contract who is convicted of 或者认罪 any Criminal Drug Statute that relates to activities within the workplace must notify the Director of 人力资源 of such conviction or plea no later than five days after the conviction or plea. The University will take appropriate action within 10 calendar days to notify the federal agency administering the contract or grant when required by law.

4. 任何违反此政策的员工都可能受到纪律处分, 包括悬架, 进入戒毒或戒酒康复计划的要求, 立即终止, 和/或大学可用的任何其他补救措施.

5. If an employee is required to participate in 康复 as part of his or her disciplinary action, the employee must sign and abide by the terms set forth in a Return-to-Work agreement. 作为继续受雇的条件, 利记sbo, 自行决定, 要求员工定期进行药物检测.

6. 正如利记sbo的 预防药物和酒精滥用 政策, the University shall establish a drug-free awareness program and shall annually provide each employee with written notification regarding the provisions of this 政策, 违反政策的潜在后果, 大学的无毒工作场所计划, 工作场所滥用药物的危险, 以及药物咨询等资源, 康复, 以及大学的员工援助计划.


  • 在适当和必要时实施这一政策;
  • Provide and review the 政策 in orientation sessions with new employees and any individual subject to this 政策 directly participating in a federal contract or grant subject to this 政策;
  • 在其他适当的会议上审查政策;
  • Provide and display various drug-free workplace posters and brochures across the campus locations;
  • Educate employees about the dangers of alcohol and drug ab使用 and the availability of help provided to all employees;
  • Review the 政策 on an annual basis and make any necessary recommendations for change to the Policy Advisory Group.

It is the responsibility of the employee overseeing the federal grant or contract to:
  • Require all employees, 包括student-employees working on the project, 签署一份 无毒品工作场所协议 把协议发给人力资源办公室, 在补助金的情况下, 大学教育资助主任.
  • Report to the Director of 人力资源 the names of any employees who fail or ref使用 to sign the agreement.


Enforcement of 利记sbo policies is the responsibility of the office or offices listed in the “Resources/Questions” section of each 政策. The responsible office will contact the appropriate authority regarding faculty or staff members, 学生, 供应商, 或者违反政策的游客.

利记sbo acknowledges that University policies may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise. The University therefore reserves the right to make reasonable and relevant decisions regarding the enforcement of this 政策. 所有这些决定都必须得到大学官员的批准.e. president, vice president for academic affairs, or vice president for financial affairs).


如有任何问题或其他信息, 请联系人力资源办公室或学生健康中心.

更多信息可以从利记sbo获得 学生健康中心,大学的 人力资源厅他来自利记sbo 学生手册 (参见关于健康风险、资源和刑事制裁的章节) 员工手册 (见福利摘要部分), 员工关系及沟通, 及政策及程序), 和/或利记sbo 预防药物和酒精滥用 政策.

Please note that other 利记sbo policies may apply or be related to this 政策. To search for related policies, 使用 the Keyword Search function of the online 政策 manual.
有效日期: 未知的
最后修订日期: 06/11/2010
修订发布日期: 07/01/2010

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